Sunday, 25 September 2011

Lets Laugh Before Laugh Is Forbidden! :D

Everyone enjoys a good laugh, right? If they don’t, they should! Laughter is more than just an enjoyable activity. It is very beneficial to the body and mind. It’s the best stress management strategy, because it doesn’t cost a cent and it’s highly contagious. Laughter also helps reduce pain and allows muscles to relax. And that’s just the beginning!

Physical Advantages

Ø For the circulatory system

Laughter is exceptionally good for our hearts. It increases circulation and improves the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissues throughout the body. Good laughter will help decrease blood pressure and strengthen the heart muscles, especially for those who can’t get up and walk, or jog, or do other kinds of cardiac exercise regularly.

Ø For the respiratory system

Frequent laughter increases the concentration of immunoglobulin A in saliva, resulting in decreasing respiratory problems such asthma, bronchitis, and sinusitis. When we laugh, actually we do lung diaphragm exercise. The chest movement when we laugh empties the lungs of more air then they take in which results in a cleansing effect in much the same way that an act of deep breathing does.

Ø For the immune system

Our immune system can benefit much from laughter. Laughter increases the number and activity level of natural killer cells that attack virus infected cells and a variety of both tumor and cancer cells. Laughter also encourages an increase in activated T cells (T lymphocytes), which often is inactive until something awakens them to action.

Ø For the hormones

Laughter reduces the level of stress hormones like adrenaline, dopamine and growth hormone. It also increases the level of health-enhancing hormones like endorphins, and neurotransmitters. Laughter increases the number of antibody-producing cells and enhances the effectiveness of T cells. All this means a stronger immune system, as well as fewer physical effects of stress.

Psychological Advantages

Ø Laughter supports a healthy Psychological condition. It gives positive effects to emotional aspects, such as perceived control, optimism, and acceptance of limitations. It also encourages out-of-the-ordinary ways of looking at things that will help us to find solutions to our problems.

Social Advantages

Ø Laughter, which is very a socially unifying trait, connects us with others. It brings people together and makes them feel part of something larger than themselves. As laughter is contagious, we can most likely help others around us to laugh more, and get the benefits of laughter as well. Sharing laughter together will break down barriers and tense situations. It can chase away lonely feelings and strengthen the bond among friends.

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